On with the Show

There is a weird custom in the media that politicians must sing. The more stupid they are, the more out-of-tune squeals they can get away with. A few years back, two of the main Norwegian Jewhaters, Gro Harlem Brundtland and Kåre Willoch even did a duet, if I remember. Even though the two were ostensibly political enemies.

So multifaced politicians is a fixture in our multicultural society.

Just now, Karl Rove is exploding with jealousy over the fact that Conservatives are getting attention, claiming that Sarah Palin is trying to emulate Miley Cyrus.

I snagged his performance off of Progressive America, so I guess he has found his home. The old establishment lefties keep having their fantasies about Palin, and there’s probably nothing to do about it. Except maybe hormone treatment.

Anyway, rappin rover. And probably fappin rover. Can beat this!


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